Searchable Bibliography of BDFFP Publications

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Since its founding in 1979, Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (BDFFP) students and scientists have written nearly 800 articles based on research conducted at the BDFFP’s research reserve. Many of these articles have been published in world-leading, peer-reviewed scientific journals, such as Science, Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, and Ecology. The volume of articles produced through the BDFFP makes it one of the most productive research projects of its kind in the world.

Scientists at George Mason University recently partnered with the BDFFP to digitize our technical series of publications and make them available in a searchable database. You can search by language, subject, taxonomic group, and/or keywords.

The database was created by Tovah Siegel, Ph.D. candidate at GMU, with support from Dr. David Luther, a GMU professor who recently joined the BDFFP, Wendy Mann, Director of the Digital Scholarship Center at Mason, and Jesse Wong, an undergraduate in Dr. Luther’s lab.

The hope is that this database and future upgrades to our information systems will make the BDFFP’s massive body of research more available to other members of the conservation research community and the public.
